Paper Submission Instructions
The papers can be submitted through:
Elsevier Computers and Graphics submission portal (Note: please select VSI: Expressive Media 2025.)
After reviews, the best papers will be retained for publication in the C&G journal, while other high-quality papers that do not reach the C&G bar will be redirected to the conference paper track. The submitted papers must be anonymous and formatted according to either the C&G guidelines or the EG guidelines (see below). There is no strict page limit, but the length should justify the contribution.
The papers submitted through SRM will only be considered for the conference track. The conference proceedings will be made available online via Eurographics Digital Library. They will also be archived in the ACM Digital Library. The submitted papers must be anonymous and formatted in the template given here.
If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact the Program chairs, Chiara Eva Catalano and Amal Dev Parakkat, at
Paper formatting
Manuscripts must be written in English. They should follow the Eurographics publication guidelines, including a title page with an abstract, keywords, and a bibliography. For formatting, please use the Eurographics Full Paper layout.
- LaTeX template.
- A Microsoft Word template is not available. Please format according to the instructions.
The use of LaTeX is encouraged and preferred. However, only PDF files will be accepted for your submission. Please make sure that all fonts are embedded.
Supplemental material
Supplemental material such as additional images or videos may be submitted as PDF or as a zipped archive (ZIP files) with a maximum size of 30 MB.
Video Formatting
Videos should be a maximum of 5 minutes in length and contain either clearly spoken English audio or subtitles. Please ensure that a commonly available format and codec is used. Suggested video specifications are: MP4 container format, with H.264 video encoding and AAC audio encoding. Videos can be converted into this format using freely available tools, such as Handbrake. Make sure that the video plays with VLC, which is available on most platforms.
General Submissions
All submissions should be between 2 and 4 pages, written in English, including a title page with an abstract, keywords, and a bibliography. The required LaTeX template is available from the SRM system. Submissions should provide a clear description of the work and the process. Posters and demos will be demonstrated and/or displayed at the conference venue. Authors of accepted works in all areas of submitted work are encouraged to demonstrate their work; creating a separate submission for a poster and a demo is unnecessary if they refer to the same project.
All submissions must be made through the Eurographics SRM conference submission site. If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact the Posters and Demos chairs Daniel Berio and Alexandre Bruckert at
Author(s) Name:
Authors’ Institution(s):
Primary Contact’s Email (if not the same as the communicating email):
Project Website (if applicable):
Intended Printing Size (width/height):
Installation schematics and requirements (if applicable)
Accepted papers and general submissions (posters/demos/artworks) will be published as a single conference proceedings by Eurographics and will be available online via the Eurographics Digital Library.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts to be considered for publication in a special section of Computers & Graphics journal (Elsevier) via a fast-track review process.