Expressive 2025

Expressive 2025 is officially co-located with Eurographics 2025 in London!

We are officially co-located with Eurographics 2025 in London. Expressive 2025 will start and end shortly before Eurographics 2025.

Aims and Scope

The Expressive symposium explores the capacity of computer graphics, animation, and computational media to be used in artistic, aesthetic, and creative ways. The field can be seen as encompassing problems in expressive understanding, expressive communication, and expressive interaction:

  • Expressive understanding integrates aspects of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and the fine, applied, and performing arts, investigating theoretical approaches that further our understanding of aesthetic evaluation, perception and meaning.

  • Expressive communication focuses on imagery and motion which is expressive rather than photorealistic, although it may incorporate realistic elements.

  • Expressive interaction explores models, algorithms, and technologies for sketch-based and XR interfaces, particularly classifying and recognizing hand-drawn shapes as a way to create or edit digital models, text, mathematics, or 3D shapes.

Expressive 2025 will take place in London, UK, on May 12th 2025 - co-located with Eurographics 2025. The symposium will also include an arts program, posters, and demos.